Administrative Office Technology


The mission of the program is to provide technical instruction and skill development to enable students to enter employment for a career in the business field. Students receive up-to-date instruction, realistic work simulations, and experience on today’s most widely used office equipment and software. Through this program, individual instruction is provided in accounting, office techniques, transcription, communications, computer operations, word processing, and spreadsheet applications. The program has been carefully structured so that each student may reach maximum skill levels regardless of prior office training or experience. The program also teaches the interpersonal and instructive skills required in an office setting. Training and instruction can be tailored to meet the needs of those who want to upgrade or update existing secretarial or clerical skills. TestOut Microsoft Office Certifications are an excellent addition to a student’s portfolio and serve as an impressive credential when applying for future employment opportunities.






Information Detail
Time Commitment Full Time
Typical Program Length 12 Months
Clock Hours 1,296
Class Type Day
Credentials Certificate, Diploma
Total Tuition/Fees $4,320.00
Textbook/Supplies Cost $501.00

Program Credentials

Option NameHoursCredentials
General Office Assistant 432Certificate
Administrative Support Specialist 864Certificate
Administrative Assistant 1296Diploma
Accounting Assistant1296Diploma
Administrative/Marketing Assistant 1296Diploma
Medical Administrative Assistant 1296Diploma

Campus Locations

Main Campus
P.O. Box 614
1233 East College Street
Pulaski, TN 38478


First Trimester: 
Worker Characteristic
Success Strategies
Orientation, Safety, Haven, and Alcohol EDU
Technology Foundations
Keyboarding & Document Processing
Office Procedures I
Computer Essentials & Calculator Essentials
Email Essentials
Second Trimester: 
Worker Characteristic
Word Processing Applications
Spreadsheet Applications
Business Presentations
Office Procedures II
Employability Skills
Third Trimester: 
Administrative Assistant Elective:
Worker Characteristic
Business Communications
Customer Service
Financial Functions
Administrative Office Practicum
Accounting Assistant Elective for Third Trimester:
Worker Characteristic
Computerized Accounting
Administrative/Marketing Assistant Elective for Third Trimester:
Worker Characteristic
Business Communications
Customer Service
Digital Media Design and Publishing
Social Media and Marketing
Medical Administrative Assistant Elective for Third Trimester:
Worker Characteristic
Medical Terminology
Medical Ethics and Office Management
Introduction to Medical Insurance
Electronic Health Records
Medical Practicum and Simulation

Books and Supplies Lists


Brent Nelson

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